Monday, 6 August 2007

Master thesis on implicit learning

After much ado my master thesis was published in Learning and Instruction in 2006. The article looks at the phenomenon of implicit learning. It has often been argued based on findings of implicit learning in a lab environment that the approach should be assumed in the educational system. We wanted to test this, and performed implicit learning experiments in a school setting. We found evidence of implicit learning, but found more traditional, explicit teaching to be more efficient.

Sætrevik, Reber & Sannum, 2006 The Utility of Implicit Learning in the Teaching of Rules

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Student resources

I wrote some study notes for my own benefit when I was doing my undergraduate studies in psychology at the University of Bergen. Other students wanted copies, and as far as I understand, some of the notes are still in circulation. Some of the files are available below, let me know if anyone wants any of the other files.

Keep in mind that these things are up to 10 years old by now, and I have not really edited them since, so they are bound to contain errors and may not be relevant for the current curriculum. Let me know if you find any serious errors, I may do something about it.

Undergraduate year (in Norwegian):
Introduksjon til psykologi (deactivated)
Kognitiv psykologi (deactivated)
Biologisk psykologi

Graduate years, first half (deactivated)
Biologisk psykologi målsetninger med notater
Notater til litteratur i kognitiv psykologi (zippet folder)
Personlighetspsykologi målsetninger med notater
Oppgaver i personlighetspsykologi
Oppgave om femfaktormodellen
Notater om MMPI
Notater om Rorschachtesten
Sammendrag av psykiatriske diagnoser
Filer til sosialpsykologi
Filer til utviklingspsykologi
Metode 1
Metode 3

Graduate years, second half (deactivated)
Notater til boken "Furnham - The Psychology of Behaviour at Work"
Notater til boken "Gjærum & Ellertsen - Hjerne og Atferd"
Notater til artikkelen "Ellertsen - Hjerneskade og personlighetsendring"
Notater til artikkelen "Ellertsen - Personality factors in pain"
Notater til artikkelen "Kløve - Activation, Arousal and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation"
Notater til boken "Orford - Community Psychology"
Notater til artikkelen "Gilbert - Psychoanalytic theories of depression"
Notater til artikkelen "Gilbert - Behavioural Theories of Depression"
Notater til artikkelen "Gilbert - Cognitive Theories of Depression"
Notater til artikkelen "Lionells - Interpersonal-relational psychoanalysis"
Notater til heftet "Innføring i spesialpedagogikk"